Roy Wooten

What is Coaching?

Like professional athletes and highly competitive professionals, coaches provide an essential edge to help people achieve their very greatest.  Roy has coached Fortune 500 CEOs, mid managers, sales personnel, entrepreneurs, pastors, and couples.  The first session typically last about an hour as an assessment is developed and specific goals are determined.  The second session typically is an individual intensive focused on moving through the blocks and barriers.  Any following sessions are usually sessions focused on accountability to the stated goals and working through any barriers.  

Executive Coaching

- Sometimes the industry is going through significant shifts due to the economy, regulations or other external forces.  Other times you are the one leading cultural shifts within the organization.  Transitions are difficult.  Executive Coaching  is for very valuable personnel!  You might be a  good fit for Executive Coaching if your performance is essential to the success or failure of your organization, if you are facing challenges right now, if you are willing to commit time to making yourself an even better leader, and if you think you might be able to achieve more.  Executive Coaching is about achievement in the workplace, whether you are an entrepreneur in a start up, corporate executive, or own and run a small to mid sized company.  

Personal Coaching 

- Occasionally, life throws incredibly difficult obstacles in our way.  Sometimes we are just off of our game.  Through a series of decisions and circumstances, we find ourselves wondering about who we really are and how we got here.  Roy has coached counselors and coaches over the years to be better at helping people change.  He has worked with many between jobs and in life transitions.  If you wonder about who you are, if you find life without much passion, if you feel stuck, if you have lost your edge, if you wonder what your purpose is, you might be a great candidate for personal coaching.  

Relationship Coaching   

- Roy and his wife Devra worked together to develop the Life Together Forever Marriage Intensive.  One couples in a room all day (or as long as it takes) focused intently on working through the issues in the marriage and healing and restoring the relationship.  Over 85% of the over 200 couples who've experienced the Life Together Forever Marriage Intensive have made it through the divorce vulnerable part of their relationship.  If you are in a marriage that has experienced an affair, major financial mistrusts, separation, or serious divorce discussions with an attorney, you are a good fit for the marriage saving Life Together Forever Marriage Intensive.  

Transformational Coaching